Redbud trees are beautiful, especially when their vibrant pink and purple flowers bloom and decorate the branches. However, that doesn’t mean that this tree is safe from infestations. In some ways, redbud trees are prone to some diseases and insects. If you’re not careful, you may have to hire tree cutting services for removing the tree. Follow below to know about redbud trees and their common problems.
Redbud Trees
Belonging to the genus Cercis, redbud trees are beautiful and tall trees that give out the aura of cherry blossom trees, but if they are pink and purple. The flowers of redbud trees are like a splash of color from nature and they make the entire landscape look dreamy.
Redbud trees are the epitome of softness and vibrancy. Their leaves also have that distinct heart shape and combined with the feminine colors of pink and purple, or sometimes a combination of both, these trees are head-turners in backyards.
Redbud trees aren’t only beautiful, but they’re also very adaptable. They can be grown in almost all types of environments, soils, and climates. As long as they aren’t over-watered, redbud trees are good to go. These trees are also very strong and endure almost all types of extreme climates.
On top of that, redbud trees are amazing for balancing and maintaining the natural ecosystem and are considered to be great attractors for bees, pollinators, and other insects that promote the natural life cycle. Overall, redbud trees are a top choice for a lot of people who appreciate trees.
Infestations In Redbud Tree
Redbud trees are amazing and all that. However, there can be a lot of things that can lead to these trees getting damaged and ultimately dying. Redbud trees can be affected by different fungi, bacteria as well as insects, which can lead to infestations of epic proportions. So, here are some of the very common but damaging infestations that can occur in a redbud tree.
Canker is a very common tree infestation, and it can be due to several reasons. It can be because of tree wounds or it can be caused by fungus and bacteria. Canker is identified by sunken spots and lesions on the branches and near the stems of the leaves. They are dark and discolored and they can block the nutrient flow from the roots to the rest of the tree.
Cankers can also be caused by tree wounds. To prevent the cankers from getting worse, you want to prune the tree, prevent the tree from getting wounded and you should also keep the pruning equipment clean.
Fall Webworms
Fall webworms, also known as Hyphantria cunea, are similar to caterpillars, but they are hairy, white, and spotted. Over time, as the caterpillars grow, they can turn from one-inch critters into white moths. If you see white moths around the redbud tree, then it’s probably because of fall webworms.
Another giveaway of this insect infestation is the fact that there will be white webs on the tips of the branches, which don’t necessarily pose any threat, but they can still look unpleasant. Fall webworms can be removed either physically or you can have birds in the tree and they will do the job for you, as they are natural predators.
Dieback is a very common condition that can occur in many trees, including redbud trees. These trees can start to get brown or discolored from the tips, rather than from the roots, hence the name. As the tips get brown, the discoloration intensifies in a reverse order.
The leaves will wilt and turn brown and the branches will also bend down, indicating nutrient deficiency in the tree. If you see any of these symptoms, then you should prune the areas that are affected before things get out of hand. You can also consult arborist services Kensington to take care of the tree.
Borers are insects that are usually dormant in the trunks, branches, and leaves of the redbud tree. They are dormant because the insects are in the larval stage, and they don’t grow until they have feasted on the stressed parts of the tree and are ready to infest more trees.
They can attack the trunk, entry, and exit points of the trunk, branches, and leaves of redbud trees and it can lead to damage in the foliage, stopping the leaf and flower growth and ultimately it can cause the death of the tree in worst cases.
This infestation can be prevented by ensuring that the tree is maintained properly and that it is cleaned, especially from the base, where the roots are, so that the trees can get ample nutrition to keep themselves healthy. Also, pruning the infested branches of the trees can help in preventing the infestation from spreading.
Powdery Mildew
This is also a very common infestation to occur in a redbud tree and it’s also very easily identified. Powdery mildew is the appearance of a white powder-like substance on the leaves and sometimes on the branches of the tree. The deposition of the white powder can also cause the browning or the curling of trees, which is never a good sign.
Since it is a fungal disease, it can occur in humid and wet climates, so make sure that there is plenty of circulation for the trees and that you’re not over-watering the trees.
As the name suggests, these insects are red, blue, and yellow colored and they are great jumpers. They can leave behind brown and wilting spots and even necrosis on the leaves, which can lead to discoloration on the leaves.
These insects are big enough so you can spot them, which is why removing them physically from the tree, using organic pests and insect killers, and maintaining the tree by pruning it from time to time will help a lot.
Anthracnose is a fungal tree infestation that doesn’t only affect redbud trees, but also affects other trees, like maple, oak, and other fruit and flower-bearing trees. The symptoms of this fungal infestation include browning of the leaves, permanent leaf falling even though it’s not autumn, lesions on the leaves, and so on.
To save the redbud tree from this infestation, removing the browned leaves is crucial, and spraying the trees with a fungicide is necessary too. You also want to ensure that the climate is not too humid, as a lot of fungal diseases and infestations can happen around this time.
Verticillium Wil
This infestation takes root in the soil. It is a fungal disease that spreads from the roots up to the vascular system of the tree. In turn, it can cause browning of the leaves, wilting and weakening of the branches, and also stoppage of nutrient supply, since the vascular system of the tree is severely affected.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for verticillium wilt, although it can be prevented by planting trees in high-grade soil.
Taking care of redbud trees is the only way to ensure that they don’t get infested and that you can find the problem and fix it as fast as you can. However, if your tree is infested and it’s beyond saving, it’s better to have it removed by getting the services of tree removal companies Potomac to prevent other trees from getting infested.