
Heat pump repair basics for you

Indeed, there is nothing worse than waking up at night only to find yourself cold. At times, you may just pull your covers back and feel warm again. However, if your furnace is not working, you will be on an entirely different level of cold. You may as well, not find any heat pump repair services active during the night.

So, what could you do when such a tragedy occurs? Well, the simplest thing to do, is to keep yourself ready for such instances. On the most basic level, you can start by not delaying your heat pump repairs.

Makes sure that your heat pump is working at its full capacity at all times. If it is not doing so, then call in a heat pump repair service during the day. This way, you will stay one step ahead from any possible tragedies.

The basics of heat pump repair

In this article, we put together some basics of heat pump repair. The problems mentioned in this article are among the most common ones that you can face. So, do not forget to consider these if your heat pump seems to not work anymore.

Check the thermostat

This is the first thing that you need to do. While this may sound like a very silly and obvious tip, a big number of people forget to check the condition of their thermostat. Sometimes, the thermostat is set to lower conditions by mistake.

As a result of this, the heat pump will leave your house cold. And hence, you will end up waking up in the night, thinking that there is something wrong with your heat pump. Eventually, you may only find out that your heat pump’s thermostat was not set right.

This simple mistake is easy to correct. So, no need to waste your time over it. Just check the thermostat first of all.

Reset circuit breaker

If you have checked the thermostat and everything looks great, but your heat pump will still not heat the home up, then check the home’s circuit breakers.

Flip it a few times and test it manually. Make sure that the circuit breaker is in the position that says on. Though, tinkering with the circuit breaker with bare hands is not recommended at all, as it could give you a fatal electric shock.

We suggest you call an electrician to test the circuit breaker of the heat pump for you.

Check the filters

If you have used both the above-mentioned tips to no avail, then it is time to check the filters of the heat pump. Sometimes, when the heat pump is not producing enough heat, there could be a clogging in the filter.

Clearing off the filters, in most cases, will solve the problem for you. However, even after cleaning the filters, the heat pump may not work efficiently. At this point, you are better off with the help of some professional heat pump repairs or experts.

Just look around your area and call the most reputed service for a quick inspection.


Simply put, countless things can go wrong with your heat pump or furnace. If you start troubleshooting them all, you will waste a considerable amount of time. And since time is money, you cannot possibly afford to lose a lot of time.

So, just sit back and give a call to professional heat pump repair McLean experts near you. This way, you can relax while the experts figure out what is wrong with your heat pump in no time. Then, you can start targeting the problem directly and get your heat pump working again in no time.

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