Health & Fitness

Lose Weight Using The Best Workout Techniques

Run, jog, or simply perform any other exercise to lose weight. It is practically the only solution to get rid of obesity. Not matter how controlled your diet may be, it is always important to perform some exercises daily to strengthen your muscles and loosen up the fat.

Feel the pain of weight loss

There is nothing as such best exercise to lose weight. Whatever exercise you pick up, focus should be on doing them perfectly without cheating on the steps. Be sure to consult a trainer and learn about the steps and how to perform them properly.

During the initial phase, you may find it a little difficult to perform the workouts properly. There will be pain in the muscles. You will find it difficult to move certain parts of your body freely. This is only a temporary phase. With regular workout, the pain will evaporate and you will feel more relaxed. The muscles will loosen up the fat and you will improve on the flexibility level. If you are a beginner, focus more into doing body-weight exercises like squats, pull-ups, push-ups, dips, jogging, lunges, and Pilates.

This should be done for a month or two before going for machine based training programs. Also, you can lift heavy weights once you pass through the initial phase. Get your body accustomed to the change. It will take some time but then you will feel more relaxed and energized to perform different moves while lifting weights without any trouble.

Sample exercise chart for beginners

A sample exercise chart for beginners will comprise of the perfect blend of free hand, body weight exercises, and stretching. Start the session with some stretching tasks. Stretch your arms, legs, and entire body to feel the flow of blood. Then, start to walk at a brisk pace for 20 minutes. You can also jog if possible. This help in warming up the body.

Now it’s time to do some free hand moves followed by some body weight exercises like reverse dips of 15 reps, push-ups of 10 reps, lunges for 10 reps on each leg, squat for 12 reps. Again, repeat the entire process. Then, do some stretching and cool down. For best results, you can consult an expert physical trainer. The professional will definitely suggest you the best exercise to lose weight according to your health condition, medical problems, and weight factor. Take necessary amount of rest during the workout sets. Also, always fluid yourself with water to boost the metabolism rate.

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