Health & Fitness

What Are The Most Common Drug Allergies

Most of the time, medicine is used to treat allergies and other problems occurring in your body, but sometimes these helpful things can also cause allergies. Here are some of the most common drug allergies treated by allergy doctors.

Antibiotic Allergy

Antibiotics are probably the most commonly used drugs in case you have an infection or a strong fever. It gives instant relief to you and it’s a great thing to have around. However, some people don’t react well to antibiotics, like penicillin and other forms. Penicillin allergy is identified through hives, itchy patches on the skin, coughing, and extreme difficulty in breathing.

This can occur right after taking it and your immune system suddenly goes into defense mode and tries to get the penicillin out of your system, which is why you feel these symptoms. You should immediately stop taking penicillin as soon as you feel the symptoms coming and consult a doctor about it is your next best option.

Anticonvulsant Allergy

Anticonvulsant drugs are used in the treatment of epileptic seizures and it is considered to be a great cure for it. The only drawback to this drug is that it can have adverse effects on someone who is allergic. This is why doctors will do an anticonvulsant test for sensitivity in case you are allergic to anything in the drug.

If you are allergic, then you might need a different alternative, but if you’re not, then you’re good to go. The main symptom of anticonvulsant allergy is the appearance of patches on the skin.

Aspirin Allergy

Aspirin is used for multiple reasons. It is a great blood thinning agent; it is used for headaches and it is a lifesaver for people with cardiovascular issues. However, it’s not a drug that is great for everyone. It can lead to allergic reactions in the body and some of the symptoms include asthma, hives, severe itching, coughing, blocked nose, and extreme discharge of mucus from the nose.

This can be a serious medical emergency and you need to immediately stop taking this if you feel any of these symptoms coming on.

Ibuprofen Allergy

Ibuprofen allergies come under the umbrella of NSAID allergies. Aspirin and ibuprofen are the main drugs that are at the top of the list of NSAID allergies. Ibuprofen allergies are more severe in nature because this drug attacks the immune system directly and can lead to anaphylaxis, which is a severe medical emergency.

It can also lead to less severe symptoms like fever, coughing, difficulty in breathing, swelling of the throat, and a blocked nose. The best way to identify whether or not you have an NSAID allergy is to get a drug test done and this will give you lots of things you might be allergic to.

Allergy From Chemotherapy Drugs

Having cancer and going through chemotherapy is hard enough, but these drugs cannot be used on any and every patient. You will need to go through extensive allergy tests because chemotherapy drugs have a tendency to cause allergic reactions, which may make your already frail condition even worse.

Some general symptoms of these drugs may include nausea, back pains, tachycardia, and extremely low blood pressure. These symptoms can take a toll on your health and can make things worse for you, so it’s better to take necessary precautions to make sure you aren’t using anything to which your body might have a reaction.

Allergy From HIV Drugs

HIV drugs like abacavir and nevirapine can be quite triggering to your already compromised immune system. The most dangerous thing about this allergy is that the symptoms are delayed. The drug can go into your body and weaken and deteriorate your immune system and then it will start showing its symptoms when it’s too late.

The main symptom of this allergy is the appearance of weird-looking patches all over the skin. These patches are quite similar in appearance to a rash and it itches.


There you have it! Drug allergies are not something new, but it’s really important to know about them, in case you might have an adverse reaction to some drug. So, get an appointment at an allergy clinic for an allergy test.

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