The preparations for the 2016 presidential polls have already started, and it is said to have held on 8th of November next year in 2016. The voters will now be getting ready for the 58th quadrennial presidential election where they will be voting for the electors who will again elect the president and the vice president of the country.
As the present president Barrack Obama is not eligible for getting elected as the president for the 3rd time, so people are waiting for a fresh new face. Though both Democratic and Republic have deserving candidates for the position, but some of them are worth talking about.
The candidates in the Republic
The Republic party came into existence in the year 1854 and since then it has gathered many followers in its group. The thoughts and ideas of the part are very much vocal and republic. They do not believe in taking high amount donations and hence have many contributors to support them.
Some of the candidates from the Republic party for the next election are Donald John Trump Sr, John Ellis Bush, Ben Carson and Chris Christie.
Each of them is quite heavy personalities such as Donald John Trump Sr is one of the known television personality and business tycoon. Similarly, John Ellis Bush is the brother of the former president of US George W Bush, and Ben Carson is a retired neurosurgeon who later on also became a renowned politician.
The candidates in the Democratic
This party was established in the year 1794 and is known for its fair and logical thinking. It believes in the power, and hence it appreciates the support from various popular corporate houses and other financial personalities. It reflects its ideas in a very religious way and believes in the formula that all people on this land are equal and should deserve equal treatment.
This party has also offered a number of such candidates for next year polls who are quite famous, Hillary Clinton being the strongest of all. Apart from her John Biden has also a fair chance because in the year 2088 he lost the election only by 1%. Again Lincoln Chafee is known to the 74th governor in the senate house since 1999 till 2007.
So, the competition this time is quite tough and also interesting. Though the latest polls till now says that Hillary Clinton is leading her way, but obviously the results can change at any time.