Health & Fitness

7 Tips On How To Stop Hair Thinning

You can get some amazing tips at hair transplant centers to reduce or stop hair thinning that really works well. Let’s have a quick look at some of them.

Understand the Basic Problem of Hair Thinning

Hair thinning may be caused by multiple reasons like insufficient vitamin and protein intake, over-processing to follow fashion styles, iron deficiency, anemia, scalp infection or any other medical reason. It is best to consult a hair expert to get to know about the real cause so you can find the most appropriate way of stopping or reducing hair thinning.

Avoid Using Towel

Towel drying your hair is considered as quite healthier than drying them using a hair dryer in which excessive heat is exposed to your wet hair. However, it is not 100% true as towel drying hair also requires a proper procedure which many people are unaware of. For instance, towel drying should be done by only gentle squeezing your hair with a towel and then leave it to dry with natural air while most people rub their hair vigorously with a towel that leads to further breakage and tangling of hair. So, hair experts generally recommend avoid using towel for hair drying and instead let them dry naturally with no rush.

Use Natural Products for Hair Treatment

Using natural products assure no damage of hair if not being beneficial to your hair as well. Natural products are always considered as a win-win situation for your hair health and recommended to be used for two to three times a week. For instance, it is best to treat your hair with egg, yogurt, honey, natural oils or vegetables like cucumbers, onions, ginger and etc.

Avoid Frequent Styling and Using Harsh Chemicals

Styling is good as it is fun to play with your hair but anything in excess is always damaging. For instance excessive blow drying and hair dyeing is not recommended and treatments using harsh chemicals should be avoided as much as possible. Plus, do not tie your hair very tight ponytail or braids or do not use elastics to keep your hair tied tightly for a longer period of time.

Must Read the Product Description

Firstly, using correct products on your hair are very important as a shampoo made for dry hair may cause damage if used for washing oily hair. Secondly, must read the product description and ingredients so that you should know what chemicals you are exposing your hair to. For instance, it is recommended to not use any shampoo or other hair products having sulfate, silicon and other such chemicals. This way is considered best to control hair damaging and thinning to some extent.

Using the Right Comb

Many people avoid combing their hair when they have very thin hair or they are facing extreme hair loss. It is not the solution and in fact combing your hair actually improves the health of your hair. All you should be careful about using the right comb for your hair. Generally, a wide toothed wooden comb is considered best for such hair which can untangle your hair quite easily without causing any further damage.

Don’t Run After Myths and Baseless Procedures

There are some really baseless myths and procedures which are very common among people but they don’t know that those procedures result in more damage to their hair. You should always look for scientific reasons and logical procedures to apply on your hair which can actually work for you. For instance, below are some common myths many people follow.

  1. Washing your hair regularly is the cause of hair thinning while there are some oily hair types which do require regular washing to stay clean and healthy.
  2. Brushing your hair frequently causes a lot of hair loss while it is not true scientifically.
  3. Shaving your head again and again can improve the hair quality which is also not true.
  4. Fashion treatments are a reason for unhealthy hair which is again not true if you have used quality products and correct procedures.
  5. Hair transplantation can stop further hair loss. While it is never promised since hair loss is always dependent over your hair quality and your genes too.

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